Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Season

Can I just start by saying Jordan and I are having such an amazing Christmas Season!! The excitement of sharing the true meaning of Christmas with Addiesyn and sharing that magic of Santa Claus and his raindeer!! I think the anticipation almost got the best of me!!

I am so excited about "Family Traditions"...when I think about growing up and the special things most often they were things were did a lot...traditions!! I have been coming up with special things that we can start now so that Addiesyn and any other blessings we may have one day can have amazing memories like I do!!

We have a new little friend....his name is Cider and he is a Scout Elf that Santa sent to sit on our shelf and watch over Addie's behavior! I know it's a little early for her to understand but I think this will come in very handy in years to come!! You can have your very own Elf too...check out "THE ELF ON THE SHELF"!!

We also bought a wonderful book about the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ...what a humbling story to read to our children during a time of year when we often loose site of the true meaning of our celebration!!

We are spending Christmas Eve with Jordan's family, Gran(Debra, Jordan's Mom) is cooking and we will all exchange gifts and enjoy eachothers company...then going home to get Addie to bed and preparing for the arrival of Santa and waiting for the morning to arrive! We can't wait to get Addie up early!! Yep you heard me...we are going to have to wake her up!! After the excitement at our house we will spend the afternoon and evening with my family...we are so excited...I can't wait to post pictures!!