A special chair with her name....a ball pit...books, puzzles, & a steering wheel!!!

At Nana and Opa's with Lilly their puppy!!

Jordan was the first to fall asleep and someone got nail polish for Chirstmas...the opportunity was perfect!!
We had such a blessed day!! Christmas with our first child...priceless!! It was emotional, thinking of the year before when I was sooooo pregnant and getting very uncomfortable but this year holding our sweet precious and incredibly loved daughter and sharing the day with her!! Nothing could have made this day better! We got to wake Addie up and spend sometime just the three of us, it was peaceful and quiet...moments that I will never forget! Then we spent the afternoo with my family....not so quiet but a ton of fun!! We opened presents, had breakfast....played games and loved on eachother! Nothing compares to family!
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